This help article describes how to remove upgrades from a plan or a user in the community software Coapp. Follow the steps below to successfully manage upgrades.
Removing Upgrades from a Plan
Navigate to the Plan:
Go to the Manage section and select the desired plan.
Edit the Plan:
Click on Edit.
Open the Upgrades Section:
Scroll down to the Upgrades section and expand it.
Remove the Upgrade:
Click on the Delete icon (trash can) next to the upgrade you want to remove.
Save Changes:
Click Save Changes to confirm the removal.
Removing Upgrades from a User
Navigate to the User:
Go to the Manage section and select the user you want to remove an upgrade from.
Select the Plan:
Click on the user’s current plan.
Update the Plan:
Click on Update.
Open the Customize Menu:
Click on the three dots next to the plan and select Customize.
Open the Upgrades Section:
Scroll down to the Upgrades section.
Remove the Upgrade:
Click on the Delete icon (trash can) next to the upgrade you want to remove.
Save Changes:
Click Save to confirm the removal.
How Users Manage Their Upgrades Themselves
Users can manage their own upgrades in coapp as follows. Tell them to:
Open Profile:
Click on the profile picture in the top right and select "Profile".
Navigate to Account:
Go to the "Account" tab in the profile.
Choose Plan:
Click on "Plan" and then "Change Plan".
Select Desired Plan:
Choose the desired plan. Users can also select the same plan they currently have.
Add or Remove Upgrades:
Add desired upgrades or remove them by selecting or deselecting the respective upgrades.
Click on "Continue" to proceed.
Review the summary and confirm to finalize the changes.
By following these steps, you can easily remove upgrades from a plan or a user in coapp. If you have further questions, please contact our support team.