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How to create plans

Learn how to manage your community with memberships

Updated over 12 months ago

Create tax rates for plans, upgrades and resources

For each plan and resource, you need tax rates. Navigate to Manage space > Monetization > Payments and select Tax Rate to create a tax rate in accordance with your company and business case. Use the Create button on the top right to set up your first VAT. Make sure you choose the correct setting for inclusive or exclusive. If you want your new members to see the final total price including all taxes, select inclusive.

Create tax rates for plans, upgrades and resources

Create plans for your community

Now you are ready to create your first paid plan. Navigate to Manage space > Monetization > Plans and click on the Create button in the upper right corner. Besides name, description text, visibility, cancellation modalities, preview image and price you can also choose the sales tax you just created and add upgrades (upgrades can be locker, mail reception, screen usage, parking or similar. You can create, add and remove upgrades at any time here: Manage space > Monetization > Plan Upgrades). Finally, click on Create at the bottom right.

Create plans for your community

Also have a look at our Youtube Video about generating revenue with coapp.

Done! Add as many plans as you like. πŸ™Œ

Your signup page is now ready

You find the signup page at

View invoices or edit plans

As an admin, you can always view, edit or even customize your members' plans. Just select the member in Manage space > Community > Members.

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